
New constructive formulas for the pandemic

11 03, 2025

New constructive formulas in the face of the pandemic

With the arrival of the global pandemic, all sectors to a greater or lesser extent have had to reinvent themselves to adapt to the new reality we are experiencing, putting technology at the service of health.

The architecture and construction materials sector have evolved by introducing new finishes such as plasters and paints, trying to alleviate, as far as possible, the devastating effects of COVID-19.

Nuevas fórmulas constructivas

Currently it is possible to eliminate 99.9% of the bacteria existing on surfaces by transforming walls and ceilings into true air purifiers. This is feasible by pure chemistry. The mineral composition in this paint generates, through a catalyst, ions capable of oxidizing the lipid layer of bacteria, breaking their cell walls and destroying them.

And not only that! It also manages to generate an alkaline environment that prevents microorganisms from living and nesting on these surfaces.

On the other hand, we find facades and interiors impervious to the pandemic that prevent the penetration of viruses, bacteria or chemicals with their materials.

Nuevas fórmulas constructivas


This is the case of Hi-Macs, 70% stone and 30% resin. These are antibacterial products, resistant to all disinfectants, used for cleaning. This material remains unchanged after the application of any of these antiseptics and does not change the slightest when ultraviolet rays are used in disinfection, which is the latest technology.

Thanks to this type of state-of-the-art finishes, we can say that a new field of research has been opened that will help us achieve the healthiest environment possible.

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