New market trends
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12 03, 2025
After having been forced to remain isolated in our homes, we have become aware of the vital importance of correct technological equipment, light, practicality or large spaces. This paradigm shift has positively affected decoration and interior design, making comfort its fundamental pillar.
The slow aesthetic, based on the configuration of a harmonious and balanced space, is what consumers are currently looking for, choosing sober and minimalist decoration that provides a feeling of lightness and simplicity.
In an interview with Forbes magazine, Sun explained that from now on, "we will design our homes and our spaces with a new awareness of personal safety concerns."
We are currently looking for more versatile and specialized spaces in order to obtain the best performance from each of them. For this, it is crucial to carry out a previous study to see which corner is the most suitable for exercising, teleworking or simply resting. Said objective is easily achievable through decoration, placing, for example, mere screens that generate sub-rooms.
Regarding furniture, new trends have taken a turn towards quality pieces with good finishes. Low-cost furniture has given way to timeless products that offer more comfort and well-being.
As for colors, the anxiety, fear and concern generated by the uncertainty of the stage we are experiencing, has made consumers not only bet on white and natural colors but also begin to bet on bright colors and cheerful as coral or yellow.